David Beckham to receive Legend of Football Award

David Beckham
David Beckham

David Beckham will be presented with the Legend of Football Award at the 20th anniversary of the HMV Football Extravaganza in London in September.

Ahead of the ceremony - which will be held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in London - David recently visited the music therapy charity, Nordoff Robbins, where he met with a number of young children the foundation has helped.

One youngster was 11-year-old Romano, who has autism, global development delay and dyspraxia. Romano has been coming to Nordoff Robbins for five years to help him develop his speech and communication skills and to build his confidence.

David said: ''It was a real pleasure to see Nordoff Robbins' work and to meet Romano and his family. It was truly amazing to see how music therapy has changed Romano's life, and learn about how it has helped him develop confidence.

''I feel honoured to be receiving the Legend of Football Award at the HMV Football Extravaganza. It is a real privilege to be part of this prestigious event, especially in this 20th anniversary year.''

To date, the HMV Football Extravaganza has raised nearly £7 million for Nordoff Robbins, enabling them to provide tens of thousands of music therapy sessions for some of the UK's most isolated and vulnerable people.

Previous recipients of the Legend of Football Award, which recognises outstanding achievement in the world of football and contribution to the game, include Sir Bobby Robson CBE, Sir Bobby Charlton CBE, Sir Alex Ferguson CBE, Eric Cantona, Tony Adams, José Mourinho, Pelé and Ryan Giggs OBE amongst others.

Brian McLaughlin, Chairman of The HMV Football Extravaganza and Nordoff Robbins Governor said: ''We are absolutely thrilled that David Beckham has accepted our prestigious Legend of Football Award. David is, without doubt, one of the world's footballing greats and I am delighted he will be joining us.'' For more information on the HMV Football Extravaganza, go to www.footballextravaganza.org.

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