Miley Cyrus thanks photographer for not photoshopping armpit hair

Miley Cyrus
Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus has thanked a photographer for not editing out her armpit her in a photo from a recent photo shoot.

The controversial pop star has shared the picture from the photoshoot - where she is lifting a shirt over her head revealing her perfectly toned stomach - hitting out at ''some'' people who have edited out the hair on her underarms before.

The caption posted on Instagram yesterday (22.06.15) read: ''Thank you for not retouching my body hair like SOME people #comeasyouare #iloveyou. (sic).'' The image, which has 331 thousand likes, has received mixed views from her 22.9 million followers. One follower responded: ''No one lyks de new u dey lyk de old u. (sic)''

While another fan asked for the ''old'' Miley to come back. The fan posted: ''You made it to a million so are you going to bring the old Miley back. (sic)?'' While another wrote:'' I didn't even notice the hair. Love you Miley!!! Youre great. (sic)''

The 22-year-old 'Wrecking Ball' hitmaker joins the likes of Madonna who has also flaunted hair on under her arms before. Last year, the 'B**** I'm Madonna' singer shared a picture to Instagram with the caption that read: ''Long hair...... Don't Care!!!!!! #artforfreedom #rebelheart #revolutionoflove.(sic)''

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