P Diddy's fragrance advert 'considered too racy by US retailer'

Hip-hop star P Diddy's advert for his new 3AM fragrance was reportedly considered too racy for one of the US' most well-known retailers.

The 45-year-old music mogul was told to re-edit his commercial several times by the American department store chain Macy's because it was uncomfortable with the explicit scenes featuring Diddy and his 28-year-old girlfriend girlfriend Cassie.

An insider told the New York Post newspaper: ''The full-length version includes such provocative images that retailers were concerned about young customers seeing [them]. ''The required edits almost delayed the [fragrance] launch.

In an attempt to bypass the censors, [Diddy] tried to get the commercial [out on cable channels], but it was still deemed too racy [by the networks].''

In the original clip, Cassie's breast is exposed to the camera and is grabbed by Diddy, who is dressed in an expensive-looking suit.

However, Diddy approved proposed changes to the advert to ensure it was promoted in Macy's and the launch of the fragrance was not delayed at all.

Meanwhile, a representative for Macy's confirmed an edited version of the provocative advert will be shown to customers when Diddy unveils it later this week.

The report comes shortly after Diddy admitted that another woman was originally cast in the role played by Cassie, but said there was no spark between them. The hip-hop star said: ''It wasn't as natural.''

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