Paris Jackson rejected by Utah rehab centre

Paris Jackson and Debbie Rowe
Paris Jackson and Debbie Rowe

Paris Jackson was allegedly rejected from a rehab centre in Utah over fears she would attract paparazzi the facility and disrupt the treatment of the other patients.

The 15-year-old aspiring actress - who is undergoing treatment at a psychiatric facility at UCLA Medical Center, Los Angeles, after a recent suicide attempt - was told she could not be treated at an unnamed clinic over fears she would attract paparazzi who would disrupt her and the other patients' treatment as they tried to get photos.

TMZ report UCLA doctors are not convinced Paris - the daughter of the late Michael Jackson - is ready to go home after she took painkillers and slashed her wrists last month. They believe she is still a danger to herself and could do further harm to herself if she does not get further help. Paris' biological mother, Debbie Rowe, is researching adolescent facilities across the US for the troubled teenager who has requested to be transferred out of Los Angeles.

She told friends: ''It's just a tragedy. This girl needs help.'' While Paris is reportedly in the wing which treats eating disorders - although she is not battling any food-related problem - individuals close to her are contacting the facility and asking for reconsideration. Paris has an older sibling Prince Michael, 16, and younger brother Blanket, 11, and they have been under the care of their grandmother Katherine Jackson at her home in Calabasas, California, since the King of Pop's death from a fatal dose of Propofol in June 2009.

The teen has been growing closer to Debbie - who waived custody rights when she divorced Michael in 1999 - in the past several months.

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