Cheddar and corn chowder

Try out this quick and simple recipe to impress friends and family.


6 slices back bacon, finely chopped

1 large onion, finely chopped

1 garlic clove, grated

30ml butter

5ml ground cumin

5ml ground coriander

45ml cake flour

1.25 litres chicken or vegetable stock

1 large potato, peeled and finely diced or grated

125ml cream

350g frozen whole kernel corn

250ml grated mature cheddar

Salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

Finely chopped parsley and extra grated cheddar for garnish



Fry the bacon in a dry pan until crispy.

Remove from the pan and set aside.

Put the onion, garlic and butter in the same pan and fry the onion until softened. Add the cumin and coriander and fry until fragrant.

Add the flour and cook for two minutes. Add the stock and potato and heat, while stirring, until it comes to the boil. Simmer for about 15 minutes, stirring often. Add the cream and corn and simmer for another five minutes.

Just before serving, add the cheddar and stir through, but do not boil. Season to taste with salt and pepper.

Divide the soup between four to five bowls. Mix the crispy bacon with some parsley and grated cheddar and spoon on top of each serving. Serve immediately.

SERVES: Four to five

TIME: 35 minutes

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