Black media attacked me for marrying an Asian woman: Terrence Howard

Terrence Howard hinting at taking a break from acting and vented his frustration over the backlash he received for marrying an Asian woman during his Dead Man Down promos.

While doing the promo rounds for his latest flick, "Dead Man Down" (which opened at the box office this weekend with a disappointing $1.8 Million) Terrence Howard hinted at an "acting" break and blasted how he was ridiculed for marrying outside his race.  

He spoke about taking a break from movie/tv roles for a while because "I feel maybe I've done enough, I've played enough in these field.  And I would like to see what other mediums that I can aspire towards."

And when it came to talks of his bitter divorce, Terrence felt like he came out on the receiving end of a lot of hatred because he married outside of his race.

Something tells me that's not why he received hate. 

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