stars aug 30

ARIES: March 21 - April 21

There is trouble ahead of you unless you are very discreet in thought and action. Do not delude yourself into thinking that all is well, as it is most certainly not so. You will meet with a temporary disappointment but do not give up hope. PHONE 083-914-0501 sms ARI to 34703

TAURUS: April 21 - May 21

Dealing with close relatives, who are also habitually obstreperous, is a real challenge during this inharmonious round. You might have to trim your demands and lower your standards in order to get some action going on crucial issues. PHONE 083-914-0502 sms TAU to 34703

GEMINI: May 21 - June 22

Control your ego or it will control you and may plunge you into an embarrassing situation. Pretensions and adornments work to some extent but sincerity is your choice qualification if you intend making your mark in impressive manner. PHONE 083-914-0503 sms GEM to 34703

CANCER: June 22 - July 23

Energy depletion is now the danger. You could find that your get-up-and-go has got up and gone, just when you need to have vitality on call. So it should come as no surprise if your current campaign comes to a temporary halt. PHONE 083-914-0504 sms CAN to 34703

LEO: July 23 - August 24

Extra caution in all forms of communication and movement is recommended. What is said and done must be carefully considered and measured. Open rivalry will develop. Stress easily invades your close alliances. PHONE 083-914-0505 sms LEO to 34703

VIRGO: August 24 - September 23

You need to have your head screwed on straight in order to deal properly with someone who is out to manipulate you. You will not fall for that individual's artful action if you are alert, can beat it with your own brand of shrewdness. PHONE 083-914-0506 sms VIR to 34703

LIBRA: September 23 - October 23

You must think things through very, very carefully, or you will probably make unwise choices. This is certainly not the best of times for you to be pressed into making snap decisions. Insist on having more time to reason and to plan. PHONE 083-914-0507 sms LIB to 34703

SCORPIO: October 23 - November 23

A testing period containing scattered difficulties so you must maintain your composure if you are to make something meaningful of it. While pressing problems must be sorted out, you should make time to milk your opportunities. PHONE 083-914-0508 sms SCO to 34703

SAGITTARIUS: November 23 - December 22

There appears to be danger or difficulty in store for you so you are urged to be both cautious and careful. Especially make certain that you are not caught between opposing sides, as you certainly do not want to attract double trouble. PHONE 083-914-0509 sms SAG to 34703

CAPRICORN: December 22 - January 21

If this turns out to be negative period for you, it could be due to your current bout of mental lethargy. Trouble seems to lie just ahead unless you react sensibly. Think carefully and be reasonably adaptable. PHONE 083-914-0510 sms CAP to 34703

AQUARIUS: January 21 - February 20

It would be unsurprising if you are by now feeling impatient with a situation in your midst, as well as angry with the ones who are causing it to evolve or to endure. But take care that your irritability does not rebound on you. PHONE 083-914-0511 sms AQU to 34703

PISCES: February 20 - March 21

You are likely to experience a financial setback that restricts personal ambitions, albeit temporarily. Someone on whom you have come to rely may cancel an arrangement on which you have based your hopes. PHONE 083-914-0512 sms PIS to 34703

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