Paris Jackson pays tribute to father Michael

Paris Jackson has paid tribute to her father Michael on the third anniversary of his death.

Paris wrote on twitter: "RIP Michael Jackson .. Dad you will forever be in my heart <3 i love you (sic)" the 14-year-old said he will always be in her "heart".

She also retweeted a message from a twitter follower, saying: "The ones that love us never really leave us. You can always find them in here." heart Love,(sic)"

Paris is not the only member of the Jackson family to note the passing of the 'Thriller' singer; his sister LaToya wrote: "Sad morning all. This day was the day that lead to the demise of my little brother. 'Michael We Love You' May you RIP. Gone FAR To Soon.(sic)"

Paris, who has brothers Prince Michael, 15 and 10-year-old Prince Michael II, recently revealed their enrolment in school following the death of their father in 2009 did not go down well with other students and she was bullied.

She said: "People try, but it doesn't always work. At school, and some people try to cyber bully me. They try to get to me with words, but that doesn't really work."

Meanwhile Michael Jackson fans have sent 10,000 roses to Forest Lawn Memorial Park to commemorate the third anniversary of his death.

Using social media sites to raise money, more than $30,000 was collected to pay for the flowers, which have been sent to the 'Earth Song' singer's final resting place in Glendale, California.

Once the flowers have been used, the roses will be sent to local homes for the elderly and other similar establishments, according to

Michael died of acute Propofol intoxication on 5 June, 2009.

Michael's then physician Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in prison after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter for administering the drug to him.

The doctor's lawyer recently revealed he wanted to be moved as the conditions of the Los Angeles County Jail where he is serving time were taking a serious physical toll on him.

He said he was only getting fresh air once a month and clean underwear once a week.

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