Merryl's style is exhibit it all

MERRYL, the wild Namibian kid in the Big Brother All Stars, once again acted spontaneously when she got engaged to Tanzania's Muisho as part of the show.

The two declared undying love, insisting they were serious and will marry once they are out of the house and have more children.

I suppose while everybody is happy for them, the two are clearly loose canons. It's questionable whether theirs is a true engagement based on romance or a stunt that has already backfired when Africa kicked out Merryl on Sunday to join Code and his harem of Lerato, Tatiana, Sheila, Jenny and Paloma in the barn house.

When bonding with long-term friend from Big Brother 2008, Lerato, a lot of curious aspects of Merryl came out . She admitted to unknowingly kissing Munya as captured in the video, adding that she and Muisho definitely enjoyed forbidden fruit in the house.

The most amazing was confessing to making out with the bi-sexual Sheila under the blankets, after they both said with a straight face that the sounds people heard under the blankets, were of them chewing gum.

The wild Sheila could not contain herself as she simulated making love to a tolerant Lerato. Then after that, she confessed that she wanted Utti and was determined to tell him that she was in love with him. Heavens know what she intends to do with her female harem from SA to Kenya.

Africa, it's high time you thought carefully. What is this discrimination of evicting women first while you happily keep the men in the house. Or could it be the women as usual, dragging others down for no apparent reason?

The remaining housemates are K1 or Kaone, Muisho, Utti and Munya.

Muisho emerged as the head of house. Africa is invited to vote for two people in the barn to go back into the house.

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