The ‘Leadership redefined’ conference

The three main speakers for the event are:

Robin S. Sharma

Robin S. Sharma is the author of 15 books including Who Will Cry When You Die, The Leader Who Had no Title and The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari, which has sold 3 million copies

Robin is the founder of Sharma Leadership International Inc. (SLI), a global consultancy with a single focus: to help organizations develop employees Lead Without a Title. SLI's clients include many of the best companies on the planet such as Starbucks + GE + Nike + The Coca-Cola Company + IBM + FedEx + RIM + Microsoft + GlaxoSmithKline + Ritz-Carlton Hotels + Turk Telekom + Panasonic + Dorchester Collection + The Royal Bank of Scotland + Yale University.

Tim Noakes

South African professor of exercise and sports science at the University of Cape Town

Noakes is also well known for challenging common and old paradigms in the discipline of exercise physiology.

In 1996 he was honored by the American College of Sports Medicine when he was asked to present the J.B. Wolfe Memorial Lecture, the college’s keynote address at its annual meeting.

In his presentation Ex Africa semper aliquid novi (Out of Africa always something new) Noakes challenged the dogma of the VO2max plateau theory.

This work lead eventually to the construction of a complex central governor model of exercise in which the brain is the primary organ that dictates how fast, how long, and how hard humans can exercise.

Much of Noakes’ work over the past 10 years has provided further support for this model. In 2002 he was awarded a Doctorate in Science (DSc), the highest degree the University of Cape Town can award.

Andy Harrington

The World’s Leading Public Speaking Expert

Having sold his company Andy has gone on to coach Hollywood movie stars and some of the world’s best speakers through his Public Speakers University and Professional Speakers Academy.

He has shared the stage with Sir Richard Branson, Anthony Robbins, Sir Alan Sugar, Brian Tracy, Paul McKenna and Bob Proctor of The Secret to name but a few.

Andy’s passion is in raising peoples earning potential by breaking them out of the limited mindset of how much they think they are worth.

His Power to Achieve Weekend Seminar has helped improve the quality of lives of thousands of successful people around the world and is a must attend for anyone serious about realising their potential.


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