Walmart hearings focus on labour

THE Competition Appeals Court hearings into the Walmart and Massmart merger focused on labour and economic efficiency matters the giant US retailer could bring into the local market.

On Friday arguments were presented from Walmart and Massmart, three government ministers and Saccawu over whether the approval of the deal by the Competition Tribunal was correct, whether it should have stronger conditions or should be overturned completely.

Minister of Economic Development Ebrahim Patel, Mnister of Trade and Industry Rob Davies and Minister of Agriculture Tina Joemat-Pettersson argued the merger should have far more stringent conditions as the full effects on local suppliers could not yet be quantified.

They said the Competition Tribunal could not weigh up the public interest effect properly, particularly the assertion that Walmart would substitute local products with cheaper imports.

Saccawu's counsel said the merger should be overturned since the Competition Commission did not conduct a full probe.

The union also said Walmart and Massmart could not guarantee protection of workers rights.

But Judge Dennis Davis said that protectionism in the global economy was shown not to work.

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