Black Consciousness / Freedom

Black Consciousness, Bantubonke Stephen Biko stated it, Christopher Hani was assassinated for it, Malcolm X believed in using power to achieve it, Martin Luther King Jnr. preached it, Nelson Mandela was detained for it, And Barney Molokoane died for it

Why are we
The children whose forefathers suffered immensely to achieve black power
Destroying it?

Why are we
The sons and daughters of the African Soil
Taking it for granted?

Why are we
African Seeds
Defecting the deeds that our ancestors achieved in the name of black consciousness?

That is what our parents were subjected to by the people who saw themselves as more superior than us

This is the price that our procreators had to pay for a crime that they never had committed

Being black was a crime
And death was the punishment

Families were torn apart for the sake Black Power
Nations were destroyed in the name of Freedom
People were slain for rebelling against the system
Millions maimed for the dark colour of their skins

We live in a world of democracy, fairness and equal rights
But I am yet to savour the taste of freedom
Instead of doing our level best to undo and rectify the injustices of our past
We hurt and hate each other
People had to die in order for us to live
But are our actions really honouring those people?

Is the way in which we treat our fellow Africans justifiable in the eyes of our ancestors?
Surely not
For in the wake of their quest for freedom and equality
They would never have condoned such unjust behaviour

Although our struggles against oppression are over
The memories of it are still firmly engraved in our Hearts, Minds and Souls
The African sun has set and risen countless times before
And yet
The battle scars still remain

I am ashamed
Ashamed of you
My African Brothers and Sisters
But most of all
I am ashamed of myself
Ashamed because I cannot comprehend what we have become
I cannot fathom the reasons why we have turned our backs on our Ancestry, Bloodline and Heritage

So I am asking you
Children of the Motherland
Is this the freedom that our forefathers fought blood, sweat and tears for?

If it is
Then I know not the meaning of freedom anymore.

Submitted by Kgauhelo Mokoena (age 20, from Soweto. Works as an admin assistant at Liberty Life).

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