Gibs goes for diversity in the city centre

THE Pretoria University's Gordon Institute of Business Science (Gibs) has opened a new satellite campus in the Joburg CBD.

The newly built satellite campus in Pritchard Street is expected to offer students a stimulating learning environment and access to living case studies in finance, marketing, strategy and talent management.

The campus was built at a cost of R1million.

Anthony Prangley, head of the Centre for Leadership and Dialogue at Gibs, said previously most people thought of the institution as the "world of Sandton".

"But there's a big world that is alive and dynamic with cultural diversity - Joburg CBD," he said.

Former AngloGold CEO and chairperson of Eskom, Bobby Godsell, who was the guest speaker, explained why it was good business for the institution to have a campus in the CBD.

He defined entrepreneurship as "combining resources with new ways to create more". He said there was great potential of growth in the property market in the city, which young entrepreneurs could explore.

Godsell said there was a large potential of growth in the fashion industry with the diversity of cultures from all over Africa.

He said the country needed a friendly society towards entrepreneurship for it to see growth of small businesses.

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