Bat out of hell: Australian seaside town invaded

More than 100,000 bats have descended on the New South Wales holiday town of Batemans Bay with one local politician declaring it a disaster after residents were hit with a wave of dirt and destruction.

The noisy bats, commonly known as flying foxes, have caused power outages, kept tourists away and hit property prices in the south coast town, according to Australia's Seven News.

"Well, I think it's a natural disaster. It's a disaster for residents, it's a disaster for the flora and fauna," said local MP Andrew Constance.

The bats, a protected species that cannot be culled, set up a colony in the town years ago but numbers have multiplied over time, media said.

The NSW Government pledged an additional A$1 million ($719,900) for state councils to manage problem bat colonies on Tuesday. They previously committed A$2.5 million for the "camp of unprecedented size" at Batemans Bay which has disrupted daily routines.

"Every morning, without fail, I have to wash the deck, wash the car," local resident Kent Lewis said.



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