Man charged with raping twins who 'married' him

They say he locked them in the house, prevented them from talking on the phone, reading or having friends and that he forced himself on them sexually, causing pain


A Missouri man faces charges that he raped and assaulted twin sisters who have considered themselves married to him for almost 10 years.

Charles W. Laub, 42, is charged on two counts of forcible rape, one count of sexual assault and six counts of third degree domestic assault against the sisters, age 27, between August 2009 and February 2011.

In a probable cause statement filed in Cedar County Circuit Court in southwest Missouri, the sisters said Laub confined them to home.

They said he prevented them from talking on the phone, reading or having friends and that he forced himself on them sexually, causing pain and bruising.

The sisters said they lived with Laub and were not legally married to him but took part in a religious marital ceremony in July 2001.

One of the women has three children and the other has five, all by Laub, according to documents that are part of a protective order the women received in court.

Laub, charged early this month, is free on bond awaiting a pre-trial hearing on April 13 and could not be reached for comment on Thursday. He has not entered a plea to the charges and has not accepted the appointment of an attorney.

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