WATCH LIVE | Nzimande gives update for reopening of universities under level 3

Higher education, science and innovation minister Blade Nzimande will on Tuesday provide an update on the state of readiness for the reopening of public universities under level 3 of the lockdown.

Nzimande said the reopening of institutions of higher learning will take place in stages, drawn directly from the various levels of the lockdown.

“The sector is committed to resume academic activities in line with the national risk-adjusted strategy. This includes putting remote learning systems in place as well as planning the gradual return to various campuses during various phases of the risk-adjusted strategy,” he added.

Under level 3, a maximum of 33% of the student population will be allowed to return to campuses, delivery sites and residences on condition that they can be safely accommodated.

This will include:

  • Students in the final year of their programmes, who are on a path to graduating in 2020.
  • Final year students who require access to laboratories, technical equipment, data, connectivity and access to residence and private accommodation should return.
  • Students in all years of study that require clinical training in their programmes (provided that the clinical training platforms have sufficient space and can accommodate them while adhering to the safety protocols).
  • Post graduate students who require laboratory equipment and other technical equipment to undertake their studies.
  • All groups that have already returned during level 4.