Parasitic patronage networks are seeking to capture ANC - Nzimande

Ahmed Kathrada leaves at a time when the African National Congress (ANC) needs his wisdom the most. These are the words of Blade Nzimande.

Speaking at the funeral service of the ANC stalwart Ahmed Kathrada, the South African Communist Party (SACP) General Secretary Nzimande said it was unfortunate that Kathrada leaves at a time when his wisdom was needed even more as people are trying to "capture" the ANC. He sent a stern warning saying that such intentions will not be allowed.

"At a time when parasitic patronage networks are today seeking to capture our movement for their narrow interests.

"As the SACP in memory of Comrade Kathy and in defence of our revolution, we say no to those intentions and we will continue to say no no no," said Nzimande to loud applause.

He said that Kathrada must be remembered for qualities like "being humble, simple, willing to sacrifice and love for your people and the oppressed people of the world".

"In the name of Comrade Kathy let us also defend the political and moral authority and standing for our movement. We don't have many ANC's, we have one African National Congress," he said.

Nzimande went on to say that people should not gamble with the ANC, a non-racial movement that was handed over by leaders like Kathrada.

"As we say goodbye to Comrade Kathy, let us also not forget, they handed us over, a big proud non-racial organisation the African National Congress. We dare not gamble with this movement in his honour and memory," said Nzimande.

He that Kathrada also "gave us" the SACP and that he usually says to himself that "South Africa must thank the likes of comrade Kathy for having a communist party in this country that is an ally to the African National Congress".

Leaders are not bigger than organisations

Bheki Ntshalintshali, Secretary General of the Congress of South African Trade Unions (Cosatu), ANC's alliance partner, said that although Kathrada was a member of the ANC, he belongs to all South Africans.

"His contribution and the values that his movement stand for was not only for the African National Congress but was for all SAns black and white," he said.

"On behalf of the Cosatu, as we bid farewell to one of our giants, we just want to remind all of us that the African National Congress was not formed by members of ANC because when it was formed on the first day it was formed there were no members, it was South Africans who thrived to fight for liberation of all South Africans."

Ntshalintshali said that ANC is the leader of the society, an organisation for all people because "it belongs to all of us".

"We say this because leaders of our movement must at all times be truthful to themselves and to the organisation. They must be brave like comrade Kathy but they must be honest to themselves. Comrade Kathy was not only a giant but he was humble, humble to his last day."

According to Ntshalintshali, Kathrada must be remembered for always saying that leaders are not bigger than organisations.

"We must remember one thing about Comrade Kathy, he normally said 'leaders are not organisations. We must separate leaders from the organisation. Leaders will come and go but organisations will remain'," he said.

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