Rapist's missed call leads to life imprisonment

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Woman holding cellphone - Stock

A missed call to his victim’s cellphone has led to a rapist being sentenced to life imprisonment.

In a statement on Monday‚ KwaZulu-Natal police spokesman Captain Nqobile Gwala said Smanga Sydney Mchunu‚ 25‚ received a life sentence in the Ladysmith Regional court for the rape of an 18-year old woman in Ezakheni in early August 2015.

 Gwala said the victim was on her way home when she was approached by Mchunu who was not known to her.

 “He pretended to need help in locating a certain individual and when the victim was unable to assist him he became aggressive. He grabbed her and dragged her to the river bank using a firearm to threaten her with. He then raped her after which he demanded her cell phone number. She cleverly gave it to him knowing that her cell phone was not with her. He dialled the number immediately and then cut the call. He went on to rape her a second time and then left her there.”

She reported the incident to her family‚ remembering that he had placed a missed call to her phone. Her brother then used his cell phone to call the suspect and as the call went through he realised that he had already had the number saved as a contact on his phone.

 He arranged a meeting at a local tavern and‚ with the help of the community‚ apprehended Mchunu.

 Mchunu was granted bail but absconded. He was rearrested by the investigating officer from the Ladysmith Family Violence‚ Child Protection and Sexual Offences unit (FCS).

 Gwala said the case was finalised in the Ladysmith Regional Court where he was sentenced to life imprisonment three weeks ago. He was also declared unfit to possess a firearm. 

The KwaZulu-Natal Acting Provincial Commissioner‚ Major General Bheki Langa‚ applaud the detectives for investigating the case and for securing the sentence.

 “It’s very pleasing to witness such dedication from the police together with the members of the community and for not taking the law into their own hands‚” he said.


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