COPE hopes that new year will be better than 2016

Congress of the People’s hope for 2017 is that an everlasting solution is found to the education crisis at the country’s universities and that the government and private sector make job creation a priority.

The party described 2016 as a very difficult year‚ both on the political and economic front‚ and said it hoped that 2017 would be better.

“Without any doubt we witnessed winds of change on the political front. Those winds were expressed during the August Local Government Elections. The people of the country have decided to take charge of their future. The involvement of civil society organisations in the politics of the day is a breath of fresh air to the country. We saw concerned patriotic citizens come together and form ‘Save South Africa’‚” said COPE spokesman Dennis Bloem.

He described 2016 as a “very miserable year for our economy”‚ with the unemployment figure worsening and food prices skyrocketing.

“Everything is more expensive. It has become very difficult to afford even basic necessities.

“Congress of the People wishes and hopes that the country finds an everlasting solution to the education crisis at our universities in the coming year. The goal for free education to all must become a reality to all students. We cannot have a repeat of what we experienced in 2015/16. The future of our children and the country is at risk. It is the responsibility of all of us to work towards a solution.

“We further hope and wish that government and private sector must put job creation as priority. One of the ways to give the dignity of our people back is to let them get a quality job and earn a salary‚” Bloem added.


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