Secret purge: Hlaudi's dirty war at SABC

Top SABC finance officials have spilt the beans on how Hlaudi Motsoeneng secretly used State Security Agency agents to find dirt on his enemies so he could purge them.

The spooks even went to one SABC employee’s home village to quiz locals about his lifestyle. They also demanded that certain staffers take polygraph tests.

City Press reported last month that the controversial former SABC boss had called in the security agents to find out who was leaking sensitive financial information at the SABC.

This was confirmed in parliamentary hearings into the state broadcaster last week.

Now‚ two of the former finance officials have for the first time provided details of the sinister activities of Motsoeneng’s spooks‚ who:

• Grilled one about his testimony against Motsoeneng to former public protector Thuli Madonsela;

• Sent agents to Limpopo to interrogate people who lived near his village about his lifestyle and assets;

• Grilled another about the influence labour unions wielded over SABC management; and

• Demanded that they take polygraph tests to prove they hadn’t leaked sensitive documents.

Read the full story at: — TMG Digital/Sunday Times


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