Pastor caught in love triangle - wife shocked by hubby's second marriage

Gospel singer and church leader, Joey Mofoleng, is set to get married this weekend despite paying lobola for another woman two months ago.

Mofoleng met Mmabatho Sedumedi more than a year ago and paid R7000 of the R40000 bride price agreed on by the families on September 24. Traditionally the two are now husband and wife.

Yesterday, Mofoleng referred Sowetan to Pastor Paul Mofoleng who was also part of the family representatives when lobola was paid for Sedumedi on September 24 but he was not reachable.

Mofoleng did not respond to text messages.

Mofoleng and his bride-to-be did not respond to emails sent on Monday and Tuesday as well.

According to a letter signed by representatives from the Mofoleng and Sedumedi families, the Mofoleng representatives paid R7000 for their bride and were due to pay the balance on November 26.

Sedumedi said she was shocked on November 15 when she saw an email sent to Mofoleng from Orion Hotels, containing a contract for a "Mofoleng wedding" on December 17.

"My husband was travelling and hosting revivals in North West. As far as I know, that is where he is. I have access to his emails and was shocked to see an email from Orion Hotels, which confirmed a booking for a Mofoleng wedding.


"He and I had not set a wedding date yet. Someone then sent me a wedding invitation," Sedumedi said.

In the video invitation which Sowetan has seen, Mofoleng will walk down the aisle on December 17 with another woman.

The wedding will be held at Orion Safari Lodge in Rustenburg, North West. The contract states that the wedding package is for 100 people at a cost of R295 per person. The total cost would be R30600.

Orion Hotels sales executive Tumi Kgaladi said she could not give details about events they host.

Sowetan confirmed the wedding by calling a person responsible for RSVPs who said the ceremony would go ahead on Saturday.

Sedumedi said she confronted her husband over the phone because he had not been home for weeks but his answers were vague.

"After getting the invitation, I called him and he said [the woman] was only accompanying him to the hotel. He would not take my calls thereafter," she said.

She would not agree to be in a polygamous marriage.

Sedumedi's sister Lolo Thusi said the family was shocked that Mofoleng was getting married.

"Family representatives were supposed to meet on November 26, but there was no meeting.

"Little did we know that he was going to marry another woman. My sister is traumatised," Thusi said.

A distraught Sedumedi said she and Mofoleng did not have any children together.

Sedumedi said she met Mofoleng, the leader of Freedom Arena Royal Family and was swept off her feet.

"Our relationship was going very well and we moved in together in Vereeniging. On September 24, he paid lobola for me. We were so happy," she said.

Mofoleng, of Mananjalo and Kea Otshaba Moya fame, has been featured by gospel project Spirit of Praise on numerous songs on their albums.


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