All systems go for 2016 matric exams‚ says Umalusi

Approximately 668 612 full-time and 146 997 part-time candidates will sit for matric exams this year.

The examinations will be written in 7000 centres and will involve more than 38 000 markers across the country‚ Umalusi CEO Mafu Rakometsi announced on Thursday.

A small number of learners‚ 11821 full-time and 34 part-time‚ will sit for examinations administered under the Independent Examination Board in 230 centres.

Rakometsi said the system was ready for the 2016 final examinations.

“Umalusi applies rigorous quality assurance methods to gauge the readiness of assessment bodies to administer fair and credible examinations without systemic irregularities‚” he said.

Rakometsi said learners in areas where there were disruptions to schooling‚ like Limpopo’s Vuwani where more than 20 school were torched‚ would be subjected to similar testing.

“What we (Umalusi) are concerned with is the quality of examinations and the children in Vuwani will be subjected to the same vigorous quality assurance processes. We are going to expect them to perform like any other learner who has been studying throughout the year‚” he said. — TMG Digital


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