Wife of race row guest house owner in court

The wife of controversial guest house owner Andre Slade – who caused an outcry by claiming that whites were superior to blacks – is due in court on Monday for allegedly being in the country illegally.

Slovakian-born Katarina Krizani was arrested last week.

 East Coast Radio reported on Monday that she was being charged with contravening the Immigration Act.

Slade caused a furore earlier this year when he refused to accommodate black guests at his property in Sodwana Bay.

Speaking at his lodge in June‚ where close to 2000 African National Congress Youth League members and local residents had gathered to voice their displeasure‚ he denied being racist but added that “God’s word” said whites were superior to blacks.

Pointing to a spot just above Krizani’s forehead‚ he explained: “That is a crown. The hair does a twirl. You guys don’t have that. This is a crown that God gave us‚” reported TimesLIVE.

KwaZulu-Natal economic development MEC Sihle Zikalala wanted Slade to be evicted from the land‚ saying that he had obtained it under false pretences and was operating without a licence.

Slade closed the guest house‚ saying that he would in future only accommodate friends and family. – TMG Digital



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