North West premier Mahumapelo comes out in support of the SABC's editorial decision

Stood up for Zuma: Supra Mahumapelo
Stood up for Zuma: Supra Mahumapelo

North West premier Supra Mahumapelo has broken ranks from the ruling party's stance on the editorial changes at the South African Broadcasting Corporation (SABC).

This comes just two days after the African National Congress (ANC) denounced the SABC's decision not to air footage of violent protest.

ANC's Jackson Mthembu on Tuesday told the media that the party did not support the recent editorial changes that he described as "unintelligent". This however is not the same view Mahumapelo holds.

Mthembu also said that the editorial decisions that have led to the resignation of group CEO Jimi Matthews and suspension of several journalists boarders on censorship.

"... not anybody sitting in some cosy office to decide, and be that arrogant, and decide what it is that people can see or not see," said Mthembu in a press conference.

Mahumapelo, a senior ANC member said that he does not care what anyone says on the decision taken by the SABC and that he believes the decision taken at the SABC amounts to responsible reporting.

"Its correct, we are worried about people who get excited by sensation. We cannot show people killing one another. There is what we call responsible reporting, We cannot report things that cause regression. I don't care who says what, on the stance taken by the SABC," he told SABC.

Mahumapelo said that the government of Bokone Bophirima would not be drawn into the editorial matters at the state broadcaster but said that they are happy with the SABC.

"We are happy with the work that the SABC has been doing so far, it's doing very well. We think that it's informing and educating people accordingly.

"As government we will continue to work with the SABC, where they make mistakes and so on we always talk," said Mahumapelo.

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