Vuyo Mvoko describes his experience at the SABC as 'hell'

Vuyo Mvoko. Picture Credit: Vuyo Mvoko on Facebook
Vuyo Mvoko. Picture Credit: Vuyo Mvoko on Facebook

Vuyo Mvoko has spoken out about his experience at the state broadcaster at the hands of COO Hlaudi Motsoeneng.

Published in the The Star newspaper, Mvoko's piece titled 'My Hell at the SABC' speaks about how his show was canned after interviewing the outgoing Public Protector Thuli Madonsela and just before the scheduled episode on state capture.

Mvoko's remarks come a day after the African National Congress (ANC) denounced the recent decisions at the SABC which include a ban all reporting on violent protests as well as the suspension of several senior journalists.

No one sitting in a cosy office can decide what it is that people can or cannot see: ANC

The SABC's contributing editor and specialist anchor also speaks about how his relationship with Motsoeneng deteriorated over years. From being able to walk into his office anytime to not speaking to him over a year.

"I speak from bitter personal experience. I went from being able to walk into his office any time, any day, to discuss work, to a point where I don’t remember us speaking over the past year at all.," he said in The Star piece.

"Even on the day he issued the instruction to can the 'On the Record' show I presented, he did it via somebody else. Apparently he - or was it his minder - could not stand watching Public Protector Thuli Madonsela being on the programme that evening."

Mvoko tweeted that 'On The Record' would be not be aired on the scheduled evening but that did not sit well with Matthews who, according him, wanted to to initiate disciplinary against him (Mvoko).

Mvoko also speaks about the resignation letter issued by Matthews in which he said that he could no longer tolerate what is happening at the SABC in the hands of Motsoeneng.

In the letter, Matthews said that the "corrosive atmosphere [at the SABC] has impacted negatively on my moral judgment and has made me complicit in many decisions which I am not proud of”.

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