Anonymous Africa goes after ‘racist’ EFF and their ‘Godfathers’ Zanu PF

Fresh after attacking the SABC‚ Anonymous Africa has turned its attention to the EFF and Zimbabwe’s Zanu PF.

The attack started on Monday when an EFF member tried to call the collective’s bluff‚ saying they didn’t have the power to take the party’s website down.

“Challenge accepted‚” said Anonymous Africa.

While the site was then allowed to return to the Internet‚ the collective launched another DDOS attack on Tuesday.

“EFF troll army are trolling us with their racist drivel‚ guess they don’t like their website‚” Anonymous tweeted earlier on Tuesday.

This attack was soon followed up with a similar one on Zimbabwe’s Zanu PF.

“While teaching racist EFF trolls a lesson we have also decided to knock on their Godfathers door as well. is down” Anonymous Africa tweeted.

At the time of writing both sites appear to be down.

Anonymous Africa recently attacked the SABC after it decided not to screen footage of protests.

“@zim4thewin @SABC–COO Here is looking at you sunshine ;) todays downtime is caused by your crimes against the people of SA‚” the hacktivist collective tweeted.

“Every time @SABC–COO censor the SABC more‚ we are going to come back‚ and keep hitting harder until @SABC–COO cannot get up again. #Anonops‚” they tweeted later in the day

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