ANC ‘not surprised’ by councillor’s defection to DA

The ANC in the Western Cape had suspected that one of its councillors would jump ship and join the DA.

The DA announced on Thursday morning that City of Cape Town councillor Mzwakhe Nqavashe had joined its ranks.

“The ANC is not surprised by the defection of Councillor Nqavashe to the [DA] because for a while now we have expressed concern‚ especially when the ‘DA’s pseudo-councillor rating tool’ put Nqavashe at the top of their list of best performing councillors‚ showering him with awards‚ over and against a pool of well performing ANC councillors and in contrast with our view‚’’ said ANC provincial secretary Faiez Jacobs.

In addition‚ he said‚ Nqavashe had been a ‘’close ally’’ of suspended ANC councillor Siseko Mbandezi who had also joined the DA.

“The DA‚ in its desperation‚ presents itself as an ‘employment agency’ that seeks to give guarantees to councillors‚ a move that is neither sustainable nor a positive enrichment to our democracy. Councillors are elected by communities for performance‚ not as a political ploy‚’’ said Jacobs.

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