Sanction EFF for not singing 'Die Stem', parliament hears

Deputy Justice Minister Thabang Makwetla wants the Economic Freedom Fighters called to order for not respecting the “Die Stem” part of the national anthem.

This was after EFF MPs sat down during parts of the singing of the national anthem during President Jacob Zuma’s State of the Nation Address last week.

The party stood up through the vernacular parts of the anthem, and sat through the Afrikaans and English parts.

Makwetla said this was in contravention of the Constitution.

He said all parties were sworn to uphold the Constitution when elected and the EFF had violated this.

He also called for Speaker Baleka Mbete to switch off microphones if need be when MPs were being unruly.

Mbete asked him to put the complaint in writing.

The complaint was met with boo's, howling and shouts of "Sit down" from the EFF benches.

EFF chief whip Floyd Shivambu said it was not tradition to raise complaints a week later.

He accused the deputy minister of trying to be "relevant".


Source: News24


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