Madonsela to deliver Fifth Annual Desmond Tutu Peace Lecture

MAKING A POINT: Public protector Thuli Madonsela came under fire from ANC members of parliament's portfolio committee on justice. EFF and DA members came to her defence PHOTO: PUXLEY MAKGATHO
MAKING A POINT: Public protector Thuli Madonsela came under fire from ANC members of parliament's portfolio committee on justice. EFF and DA members came to her defence PHOTO: PUXLEY MAKGATHO

South Africa’s Public Protector‚ Thuli Madonsela‚ will deliver the Fifth Annual Desmond Tutu Peace Lecture at the University of the Western Cape on October 7 — the day of archbishop Tutu’s 84th birthday.

Madonsela has been asked to respond to the question: “Democracy and Peace: What’s law got to do with it?”

The annual lecture got off to a controversial start‚ in 2011‚ when the South African government declined to grant a visa to the inaugural speaker‚ the Dalai Lama.

The event eventually went ahead in the form of a live video discussion between the archbishop Tutu and the Dalai Lama.

Subsequent speakers‚ Graca Machel‚ Kofi Annan and Mary Robinson‚ were allowed to deliver their lectures in person.

“The peace lecture is one of the most important dates on our annual calendar‚ and we are very excited to have someone of the calibre of advocate Madonsela to address this year’s event‚” said the Reverend Canon Mpho Tutu‚ executive director of the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation.

“Through her courageous stewardship of the Office of the Public Protector‚ advocate Madonsela embodies the type of servant leadership that we hope will become the norm in South Africa.

“The unflinching manner in which she holds the powerful to account‚ avoiding vitriolic attack while maintaining dignity and focus‚ is an example to all democrats and a testament to the far-sighted authors of South Africa’s Constitution.”

The Annual Desmond Tutu Peace Lecture is presented by the Desmond & Leah Tutu Legacy Foundation in association with the University of the Western Cape.

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