Traffic cop gets hijacked‚ forced into boot of his car

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Limpopo police are concerned there is a syndicate operating in various areas of the province after increasing reports of hijackings.

A traffic officer was hijacked and robbed of his red VW Golf 6 in front of his neighbours while opening a gate to his home in Mamotintane village near Mankweng on Tuesday night.

Four men reportedly assaulted the victim before bundling him inside the boot of his car and driving off. He was off-loaded on the R81 road next to Ga-Sekgopo outside Modjadjiskloof. The hijackers fled with his car. No arrests have been made.

In a second case on Tuesday‚ four men hijacked a vehicle after with two occupants in the Sekgosese area near Modjadjiskloof.

The victims were abandoned in the bushes and did not sustain any injuries. The Toyota Fortuner in which they were travelling is still missing.

Provincial police spokeswoman Lieutenant-Colonel Ronel Otto said they would work “extra hard” to crack the syndicate that was thought to be responsible for the spate of hijackings.

“We are worried at the increasing numbers of car hijackings. But our crime intelligence is busy following those responsible with a view to bring them to book‚” said Otto.

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