Mugabe makes historic visit to South Africa

Zimbabwe’s President Robert Mugabe is expected to land in South Africa for his first state visit in 21 years today.

According to eNCA his plane is expected to land at the Waterkloof Air Force Base and a welcoming ceremony will be held at the union buildings in Pretoria tomorrow.

Mugabe will be hosted by President Jacob Zuma

South Africa’s ministry of International Relations said in a statement that “The objective of the visit is to consult on issues of mutual interest, paying particular focus on bilateral and economic co-operation, including regional and continental matters.”

Mugabe’s visit is from 8 to 9 April 2015.

A number of agreements are also expected to be signed‚ including the Bi-National Commission Agreement‚ “whose objective is to elevate the bilateral relations between the two countries“.

In 2014‚ the statement said‚ South Africa’s exports to Zimbabwe amounted to R24.8 billion‚ while Zimbabwe’s exports to South Africa reached R2 billion.

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