Thousands flock to ANC rally in Mother City

Thousands of ANC supporters flocked to the Cape Town Stadium on Saturday to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the ruling party.

By 10am the stadium was half full, with many still queuing at the turnstiles outside.

The city centre was awash with the gold, green and black of the African National Congress as supporters scrambled to find public transport to get to the venue.

Security was tight as hundreds of city law enforcement officers, members of the SA Police Service, private security and ANC marshals maintained law and order.

Bags were searched thoroughly at access control points, slowing down the entry of people into the stadium.

Inside the stadium, DJ Bongz and DJ Finzo had people on their feet jiving to African fusion beats.

Several local artists are expected to wow the crowd ahead of President Jacob Zuma delivering the ANC's much anticipated January 8 statement.

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