Suspected hijacker shot after chase

A suspected hijacker was shot and wounded by police on Wednesday following a car chase and an attempted hijacking in Mamelodi, Gauteng police said.

The injured man was believed to be part of an eight-man gang that tried to hijack a van transporting cigarettes around 9am, Warrant Officer Dave Miller said.

The eight used a BMW and a VW Golf during the hijacking.

"They did not succeed in the hijacking and the exact method of how they hijacked the tobacco vehicle is unclear at this stage."

Johannesburg police and the Pretoria flying squad were alerted. Police passed the BMW en route to the scene.

"The members confirmed the description and licence plate of vehicle, and then a chase ensued. They chased the vehicle through the streets of Mamelodi," said Miller.

"The BMW was pushing cars off the road and driving on the wrong side of the road and endangering other road users. The car then entered the N4 highway towards Bronkhorstspruit, and halfway through made a U-turn, crossed over the centre island and headed back towards Pretoria."

The BMW took the Watermeyer off-ramp and collided with a white VW Jetta.

"A suspect jumped out of the car and a foot chase ensued. During the chase, members fired two warning shots which the suspect ignored. A third shot was fired and he was injured in his leg," said Miller.

He was taken to hospital under police guard.

"A preliminary investigation on the scene established that the suspect was arrested earlier this year for another robbery."

Miller said he was the only person in the BMW. Police established that the others got into the VW Golf after the hijacking and disappeared into Mamelodi. A man in the Jetta was injured and taken to hospital.

No police officers were injured.


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