Sisters sentenced for sjambokking 'mistress'

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Two Mpumalanga sisters convicted of sjambokking a woman they suspected of having an affair with one of their husbands were handed suspended sentences in the Tonga Magistrate's Court on Thursday.

Lindiwe Pretty Mngomezulu, 22, and her elder sister, Betty Thandeka Sambo, 30, both from Zibokwane village, pleaded guilty to assault with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

The two were arrested on May 27 after attacking Nomcebo Mahlalela, 24, also from Zibokwane, a Sapa correspondent reported.

They accused Mahlalela of having an affair with Mngomezulu's husband.

"I'm giving you a suspended sentence for the sake of the kids you left back home because they are still young. In future you must put your anger aside," Magistrate Hazel Khoza said.

"As for you, accused two [Sambo], you were just fighting a battle that had nothing to do with you. Instead of making the situation cool you decided to join forces and make it worse."

Khoza sentenced the pair to a R1000 fine or two months' imprisonment, suspended for five years.

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