Policing work on track: Phiyega

"Our work, policing operations, are on track because we take time to sit around the table, talk, plan, and interrogate our offerings," she said at the first National Forensic Social Work Seminar in Pretoria.

Policing operations are on track, National Police Commissioner Riah Phiyega said on Monday.

"Our work, policing operations, are on track because we take time to sit around the table, talk, plan, and interrogate our offerings," she said at the first National Forensic Social Work Seminar in Pretoria.

She said a week ago, she had discussions with about 1500 senior leaders of the organisation to talk about leadership.

"We met to talk about our leadership to ensure that the big agenda of keeping this country safe and secure continues to be achieved."

Phiyega also had a national convention with the police training commanders from all 25 colleges.

"It was important for me to understand what is it that they do to ensure we continue to advance our knowledge as the police."


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