Wits lecturer guilty of harassment

"We hope that the swift action taken by the university in these three cases sets a clear example that sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any form on our campuses."

The University of the Witwatersrand (Wits) has fired a third lecturer found guilty of sexual harassment, the institution said on Thursday.

Two other lecturers were dismissed on the same grounds in July.

"The university has adopted a zero tolerance policy towards sexual harassment," Wits vice-chancellor Adam Habib said in a statement.

"We hope that the swift action taken by the university in these three cases sets a clear example that sexual harassment will not be tolerated in any form on our campuses."

The university was still investigating a case against another lecturer.

It has formed a task team to investigate and rid the institution of academics who sexually harass students.

On Wednesday, Habib said he took full responsibility for the abuses that had been committed on the campus.

"I want to apologise to all those individuals who experienced sexual harassment," he said.

"Wits should be a safe space and we will ensure that it is."

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