Show up at OR Tambo to give Bucs heroes' welcome

Orlando Pirates top supporter Joy Chauke, right. Photos: Antonio Muchave
Orlando Pirates top supporter Joy Chauke, right. Photos: Antonio Muchave

Association (NAFSA), Mr. Saddam Maake has made a call to all South Africans and the football loyalists, to show-up in numbers and colour at OR Tambo International Airport on Tuesday morning, to give Orlando Pirates team a Heroes’ Welcome.

The proud Orlando Pirates lads hoisted the South African flag on Sunday afternoon, by registering a historic 3-0 victory over an exceedingly rated Egyptian side Al Ahly in their own backyard, during a much-anticipated CAF Champions League encounter.

The Buccaneers are expected to touch-down at OR Tambo International Airport on Tuesday morning at 07h00.

“We would like to make call to South Africa’s football loving people, to show a united support behind Orlando Pirates for their historic victory against Al Ahly yesterday. Orlando Pirates’s victory against Al Ahly is the victory of all South Africans. It is an affirmation that South African football continues to grow leaps and bounds, and that our boys have what it takes to compete at an international level” Maake said.

Pirates win yesterday is a much-needed confidence booster for Bafana-Bafana ahead of their much-awaited match against Africa's best, Nigeria and Burkina Faso”, he appealed.

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