Selebi owes R17.4m in legal fees: report

Jackie Selebi
Jackie Selebi

The police ministry has denied that former police commissioner Jackie Selebi will get 'special treatment' with regards to the R17.4 million he owes in legal fees, City Press reported on Sunday.

"The perception that Mr Selebi is being given any special treatment by the state on this matter is not true," police ministry spokesman Zweli Mnisi was quoted as telling the newspaper.

Selebi is out on medical parole after being sentenced to 15 years in prison in 2010 for corruption.

According to City Press, Mnisi said Selebi's lawyers had given the ministry the relevant information.

"This information will have to be carefully considered by the national commissioner [Riah Phiyega], who has to decide whether Mr Selebi will have to pay the whole or part of the amount owed."

The newspaper reported that Selebi's lawyer Wynanda Coetzee said last month: "There is just not enough money" to pay the legal fees.

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