George Louca to be extradited to SA

The man accused of killing Teazers boss Lolly Jackson will be extradited to South Africa after losing a final appeal in the Cypriot Supreme Court, The Star reported.

Louca had been detained at Nicosia Central Prison since he was arrested in 2012. Jackson, the owner of the Teazers franchise of strip clubs, was shot dead at a house in Edenglen, near OR Tambo International Airport, on May 3, 2010.

Louca fled South Africa shortly after Jackson's killing and returned to his hometown Limassol, in Cyprus.

His lawyer Sofronios Sofroniou had argued that some of the charges against Louca were six years old and that this could jeopardise his chance of a fair trial. There were also concerns that the South African underworld could endanger Louca, it was argued.


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