Limpopo textbooks delivered, MPS told

Limpopo's basic education MEC Dickson Masemola has told MPs that textbooks have been delivered to all schools in the province.

"The committee is of the view that in general there has been delivery of textbooks in the Waterberg district area, with the exception of Grade 11 Mathematics and Physical Science textbooks," chairwoman of Parliament's basic education portfolio committee said on Thursday.

On Monday the committee met with Masemola, the provincial department of basic education, and Waterberg district officials.

The MEC presented strategies to improve governance, financial management and administration in the department and at schools in the province in 2013.

A recurring problem was having the right number of textbooks delivered, Malgas said.

In the Northern Cape the committee visited schools in the Olifantshoek area that were affected by protests last year. This resulted in Grade R to 11 pupils not participating in the 2012 Annual National Assessment.

"The committee was impressed with the good performance of learners in the Grade 12 Senior Certificate examination who were taught at 'makeup camps' after most of their schools were closed due to the protest action."

Infrastructure was a common problem in both provinces. Most schools needed more classrooms, while others were dilapidated and needed to be upgraded.

"The committee is encouraged with the commencement of the academic year in Limpopo and Northern Cape and believes the interventions and improvement plans that are in place from the national and provincial departments of basic education will yield positive results."