Student dies after 'killer breakfast'

A FINAL-year student at the University of Johannesburg died of suspected food poisoning hours after writing on his Facebook page that he was having a "killer breakfast".

Sechaba Sefudi, 26, died on September 14 at Netcare Union Hospital in Alberton of suspected food poisoning.

The media studies and journalism student had earlier posted on his Facebook page that he was having a "killer breakfast" at Clearwater Mall, Roodepoort. The message read: "Having a killer breakfast - thanx Vee".

Sefudi, from Thokoza in Ekurhuleni, complained about stomachache and diarrhoea on his return from the breakfast.

His roommate, Daniel Khoza, said on September 14 at around 10am, Sefudi sent him a text message, asking him to buy a can of Coke because he was not feeling well.

"I told him I could not get him the Coke because I was still in class," he said

"He sent another text message, which said I should not worry because our other roommate would buy the cold drink," said Khoza.

Sefudi sent his mother a "please call me".

Sefudi's mother, Pontsho, said she got the text message, but did not call her son because she thought he wanted money.

"I got three SMS from Sechaba and ignored them. I thought he wanted money because it was payday and he was supposed to come home," she said.

She said it was his stepfather who had called him back out of worry because he said it was unusual of Sechaba to send so many messages asking to be called back.

"My husband got so worried and decided to call Sechaba. The first thing he said was 'Ntate, come help me I am dying'," said Pontsho.

The parents rushed to the university and took him to hospital. Sefudi's tongue had turned blue when they arrived at the hospital, said his mom. He was aggressive, having seizures and and refused to be examined. He died later.

Pontsho said doctors advised them to open a case because they suspected that Sefudi had been poisoned.

"The doctor said there was too much poison in his blood," said Pontsho.

No one in the family or his friends has ever heard of "Vee", whom Sefudi had thanked for the meal.

Alberton police station spokesman Captain Manaka Raphulu confirmed that an inquest had been instituted and that the case was being investigated. -

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