Thunderstorm rips village

More than 60 North West residents continue to pick up the pieces after a heavy storm left them homeless and stranded last week.

Local organisations and the municipality came out in support of those who lost their homes.

A freak thunderstorm tore through Mosenthal village near Rustenburg last Thursday, destroying the walls and roofs of business properties, houses and a local school.

About 80 pupils and two teachers from Lerutlhware Primary School were injured after the school building collapsed.

A well-known restaurant and entertainment centre, Phola Park, was particularly hard hit after the building was flattened. The local post office was also destroyed.

Occupants of more than 66 damaged houses had to seek refuge at the local church, while others were accommodated by neighbours.

Rustenburg local municipality mayor Mpho Khunou said his municipality was in the process of distributing tents and food parcels to the victims.

Municipal spokesman Peter Manzana said they have provided the victims with overnight accommodation at the local church as well as breakfast packages in the morning.

Zinniaville Muslim Association donated 60 mattresses and 50 blankets as well as food parcels.

One of the residents, Simon Tabane, his wife Margaret and their 12-year-old son Karabo slept in the open after their home was destroyed when a post box structure fell on the house.

"Everything was wet. We had to just sleep standing up and pray to God to protect us," Tabane said.

His son's hand was hit by a piece of corrugated iron.

One of the affected residents, Solly Motlhotse, said he had never before felt so helpless.

"The noise was terrible," he said. "It was like an explosion and all of a sudden there was a strong wind and rain at the same time. It happened so fast we did not know what to do."

Restaurant and tavern owner Kgomotso Kgaladi said she did not know how she was going to rebuild her business.

"The worst part of it is that this property was not insured. It was my only source of income ... and it will take me a long time to build it up from scratch again," she said. -

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