Anger as FET college calls off semester

HUNDREDS of part-time students at a Pretoria Further Education and Training college are angry over the management's sudden cancellation of the entire second semester.

The students, who were excited about their first semester results, said they expected to collect their student cards and start with classes as promised on Saturday.

To their surprise, officials told them that the second semester had been cancelled for all distance education students.

"Some of us reported early at Tshwane North College. We were eager to start with classes, but to our shock the curriculum manager told us that all courses for part-time students had been cancelled.

"We were not given any explanation for the cancellation until we demanded one," a student studying financial management said.

"The manager then said the Department of Higher Education and Training had failed to pay them for the first semester and that is why they had decided not to continue with the second semester."

Human resources management student Anthony Mabusela said they had been going to the campus for the past three weekends "and every time head of department, a Mr Modiba, said the system was down".

"Last weekend we were told the same story and that they were busy registering permanent students.

"We were told to come back this past Saturday to collect our student cards and start classes," he said.

On Saturday, curriculum manager Patricia Baloyi told the students to "go home and come back in 2013".

"We do not want refunds. All we need is education and education now," said another student.

Baloyi confirmed the cancellation of classes and referred Sowetan to Modiba, who refused to comment.

Each student has already paid R2100, including a R300 registration fee for the second semester.

The students also took their complaints to the Department of Higher Education and Training but officials there allegedly referred them back to the campus management.

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