'Do something positive on Madiba's birthday'

NORTH West will join millions of South Africans in wishing former president Nelson Mandela a happy birthday on July 18.

The provincial government hopes to do something positive for its communities on the day in honour of the struggle icon.

On July 18, South Africans of all ages, religions and political allegiance are expected to put their differences aside and dedicate 67 minutes of their time to community work in celebration of the values and principles that Mandela fought for.

This year's main event in the North West will be held at Dinokana near Zeerust. A number of activities have also been planned throughout the province.

Yesterday, premier Thandi Modise launched Nelson Mandela Month at Kaditshwene heritage site outside Zeerust. July 18 will see President Jacob Zuma, cabinet ministers, premiers, government officials, business leaders, sports people and community leaders setting aside time to do community service.

Activities such as assisting someone to fill in a form at a government department, helping orphans obtain identity documents or birth certificates, assisting the elderly with shopping, and volunteering at local schools will be some of the volunteer work for the day.

Launching the month, Modise yesterday said volunteers would have an opportunity to make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of community members.

She said Nelson Mandela Day was also an opportunity to promote social cohesion, national healing and nation building.

Modise said ordinary South Africans, government departments and other organisations would play their part in celebrating the day set aside for the world-renowned icon.

Modise also encouraged people to be active citizens by participating in the activities. She urged people to take time out of their schedules to inspire change in their communities by doing something good.

Meanwhile, Kgosi Ketshabile Moiloa, said the Bahurutshe ba Moiloa would benefit from their land in the near future.

Moiloa said he was happy that last year Kaditswene heritage site was awarded to them by the South African Heritage Resources Agency.

"This land was taken away from us during the apartheid era ... it belongs to us," he said.

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