Ex-PAC Robben Islander mourned

THE Azanian Peoples Liberation Army Military Veterans Association (Apla- MVA) is mourning the death of one of its struggle veterans and former Robben Island prisoner Comrade Themba Simelane.

Simelane, who was a Poqo (PAC's underground armed wing) activist, passed away last Saturday. At the time of his death he was living in Polokwane, Limpopo.

He was among the PAC underground activists who were arrested during the swoop on Poqo underground structures on March 21 1963.

They included stalwarts like Jafta Kgalabi Masemola, Ike Mthimunye, Phelimon Tefu, John Nkosi, Dimake Malepe and Samuel "Chips" Chibane, who were sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island in 1963.

Simelane served with these stalwarts on Robben Island.

He is well known in PAC ranks in and around Mabopane and Soshanguve in Pretoria, where he selflessly helped to organise PAC structures during the most difficult moments in the history of the struggle before 1990 and 1994.

He contributed enormously to the organisation and building of the PAC structures in this areas. He will be remembered for this sterling work.

In accordance with his wishes, he was expected to be cremated today at 11am. The cremation would be preceded by a service at the Catholic Church in Polokwane. For information and directions, call 076-583-6516.

The Apla Military Veterans Association Tshwane Region has sent its condolences and sympathy to his children and relatives.

"May his soul rest in peace," said Ike Mafole, the chairman of Apla-MVA on behalf of the organisation.

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