FUL goes ahead with its application to suspend Mdluli

FREEDOM Under Law will go ahead with its court application for the suspension of former crime intelligence head Lieutenant-General Richard Mdluli

This is in spite of acting national police commissioner Nhlanhla Mkhwanazi announcing on Sunday that Mdluli had been suspended after his reinstatement in March.

"FUL's application for the review and setting aside of the decisions to withdraw criminal and disciplinary charges against General Mdluli also continues," FUL said in a statement.

They would also invite Police Minister Nathi Mthethwa and Mkhwanazi to join their consent order.

FUL spokesman Hugh Corder said that this was because Mdluli had denied receiving the notice of suspension.

The New Age reported that Mdluli's lawyer Ike Motloung said he was not sure whether an emailed notice of suspension to himself - and not his client - qualified as notice.

Mdluli's lawyer was not immediately available to comment, but Corder said that the minister and acting commissioner would be invited to consent to a court order that, if granted, would formally suspend Mdluli.

FUL welcomed the announcement that Mdluli was suspended.

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