ANC to withdraw Spear court case

NOT ACCEPTABLE: A man, who was later arrested, defaces a painting of President Jacob Zuma by artist Brett Murray at the Goodman Gallery. Photo: REUTERS
NOT ACCEPTABLE: A man, who was later arrested, defaces a painting of President Jacob Zuma by artist Brett Murray at the Goodman Gallery. Photo: REUTERS

Zuma painting will be removed from gallery

The ANC will withdraw its court application against a painting depicting President Jacob Zuma with his genitals exposed.

“The applicants will withdraw the application currently before the South Gauteng High Court,” said Goodman Gallery director Liza Essers, reading from a settlement agreement it had reached with the ruling African National Congress.

The gallery's Essers said the painting would not be displayed in the gallery because it had been defaced.

The settlement agreement with the ANC did not include an agreement on removing the picture from the Goodman Gallery’s website. However, she said the image would be taken down from the website at some point.

ANC spokesman Jackson Mthembu said it would not make sense to continue with a court case against The Spear painting.

“Indeed, we are no longer taking the Goodman Gallery to court. We are no longer taking City Press to court,” he said.

He was speaking at a joint media briefing between the ANC and the Goodman Gallery, announcing a settlement agreement on the controversial artwork.

Mthembu said now that a settlement had been reached, the court action in the High Court in Johannesburg was no longer necessary.

“There is no need for us to continue taking City Press to court, or the Goodman Gallery to court. It would not make sense,” said Mthembu.

The ANC went to court to get the painting removed from the gallery, and also took the City Press to court because it had published a picture of the painting on its website.

Meanwhile, the Film and Publications Board is expected to decide by the end of the week on whether the painting should be classified.

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