Priests' rivalry case postponed

THE court is still to decide on the legitimate resident priest for a branch of the Methodist Church in Africa.

Randfontein regional court magistrate Ferreira Strydom yesterday postponed the case over the disputed position to March 27.

Reverend HO Mqaba, the majority of parishioners in Mohlakeng township in Randfontein, West Rand, and the Gauteng church council are disputing a bid to install Reverend Simon Molokwane by, among others, the controversial regional bishop Shadrack Phakwane.

Bishop Phakwane, who heads the Gauteng region, is also cited in at least two other court cases involving two other parishes.

Mqaba's eviction application against Molokwane was postponed on Monday. Yesterday, a similar order by Molokwane against Mqaba was also put off by Magistrate Strydom, who will start deliberating on both cases on March 27.

Reverend Mqaba contends that his eviction on February 11 is unconstitutional and against a council decision.

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