Top position for ANC boss

NEW BROOM: North West ANC chairman Supra Mahumapelo
NEW BROOM: North West ANC chairman Supra Mahumapelo

ANC provincial chairman Supra Mahumapelo is set to be appointed speaker of the North West legislature soon.

This comes after the ANC provincial executive committee took a decision to recall the chairman of the standing committee on public accounts, Kabelo Moepeng, and chairman of the portfolio committee on agriculture, rural development, conservation and environment, Dodo Baloi.

Without giving reasons for the two members' recall, Mahumapelo yesterday said the ANC had decided to deploy him.

He said China Dodovu and provincial treasurer Philemon Mapulane would replace the two.

Mahumapelo confirmed that he would take over as speaker of the legislature, replacing Nono Maloi.

The spokesman for Maloi's office, Lawrence Modimokwane, confirmed that the ANC had recalled two of its senior members.

But he did not believe that Maloi's position was at risk.

"We are currently visiting schools together with speaker Nono Maloi. He is free spirited, his position is secured for now," he said.

Mahumapelo's announcement comes a few days after the ANC recalled the mayor of Tlokwe, Maphetle Maphetle, and the mayor of Dr Kenneth Kaunda district municipality Boitumelo Moloi.

Dr Kenneth Kaunda district municipality includes Tlokwe, Matlosana and Maquassi Hills.

The party's regional secretary, Aubuti Chika, was suspended for not performing his duties.

Mahumapelo said no regional ANC structure had the powers to recall or re-deploy any mayor.

He described the Dr Kenneth Kaunda municipality as one of the ANC's well-run municipalities.

He said the "attempted recall was a reflection of perpetual divisions and factionalism in the regional executive committee".

The provincial executive committee would convene on Sunday to discuss the conduct of the REC and take appropriate action.

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