Weird Malema incident

A KwaZulu-Natal man dressed in a Superman cape had to be sedated  at a shopping centre this week after jumping on car bonnets and shouting, 'I am looking for Julius Malema'

The man, wearing short pants and no shoes, threw shopping trolleys around the supermarket on Wednesday before jumping on car bonnets and kicking a truck, according to the Citizen.

Police had to escort the man to a nearby police station.

He told a local journalist from the police van that he was a Superman from the clouds, sent by a guru to kill someone whose name  started with the letter J.

He then said this person was axed ANC Youth League president Julius Malema.

“This is my mission — to kill him,” he said.

The man was taken to Dundee hospital to be sedated.    

He could face charges of malicious damage to property.

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